lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

Statistics and outcomes

Our blog ws visualized by 1349 people during these two months

Our public was chiefly from Italy (1326 viewers) apart for 14 people from the United States, 4 Germans, 2 from India and respectively 1 for Ethiopia,France and Ukraina

Now is the time for the "Most Popular Page Award" :
  1. Climate Change, 182 views and 1 comment
  2. Transport and Ecology, 173 and 5 comments
  3. The Nuclear Issue, 130 views and 3 comments
  4. Smart Cities, 125 views and 2 comments
  5. Biofuels, 118 views
  6. Critical Discourse Analysis, 47 views

The Green Blob

The Last Kind Words


What are the kind words to conclude our walk throughout new ideas for a sustainable world? Let’s start from the beginning, about two month ago we analyzed the actual world situation paying attention to our planet’s problems like global warming generated by a constant and relevant increase of green house gases emission, we saw immediately that our model of development, based on a extremism kind of consumerism, a non controlled use of earth resources and on quantitative growing due to qualitative one was no longer an answer for future demands. So what are the kind words for the future? If we considerer our life styles Andrea and Stefano have tried to find these words: an increase of bikeways inside our cities, new ways to face transport problems, both public and private, like car sharing or car pulling. But also, why we keep on expanding our cities like an ink stain that inexorable overwhelms the natural environment generating unexpected climate changes, floods earthquakes and other natural disasters as Isabella has told us in her section of the blog! The two Kind words should be improve and reuse the existence spaces rather than destroying new ones. But every change needs energy as well as ideas! Cristina and Michele have discussed this topics. Many people think that nuclear power could be considered a kind word, but at that moment this technology carries on within too many risks. Maybe we could restart from our waste through our technology development we have learn how to convert them into bio fuel, in a way to address our future in to a real sustainable way. We hope that this little contribution may have make awake as many people as possible to this topics. We think that this work has been interesting and stimulant for has as well for our colleagues. Special thanks for every one have followed us during these two months of activity!

Michele Taufer
Isabella Juvarra
Andrea Scapin
Cristina Stamate
Stefano Pasqualetto

domenica 2 dicembre 2012

Critical Discourse Analysis

 This week we are going to analyze President Obama's remark on the BP oil spill,the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry.
The crisis was caused by the explosion of Deepwater Horizon drilling platform ( where 11 workers died ) on 20 April 2010 and the subsequent release of roughly 4.9 milions of barrels of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico during the following 3 months.
Obviously the spill caused massive damages to marine and wildlife habitats and to the fishing and tourism industries.
Check the "Critical Discourse Analysis " page to know more.

martedì 13 novembre 2012

A good picture is worth more than a thousand words

I desire to embed this as amazing as massive infographic because it gives a clear idea of the enormous ammount of trash and waste that just a small percentage of human population (in this case the american one) can produce, compared to the benefits and opportunities of recycle.
Enjoy it :-)

The Green Blob

domenica 11 novembre 2012

The Green Blob: The Nuclear Issue


    In the last post we saw why to be pro nuclear power. For those who didn’t follow the blog we saw that nuclear can provide a constant and scalable source of electricity, without consuming as much footprint in terms of land occupied as wind and solar power, and could help as a disarmament tool.
But are we sure? Is it true? Let see what doctor Mark Z. Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University and director of the Atmosphere and Energy Program, stated in his talk at TED.
For what concern nuclear weapons, Dr. Jacobson affirms that there is some sort of link between nuclear power development and disarmament of nuclear weapons. But that is true just for America and for Russia. But is also true that India, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran are secretly developing nuclear weapons by enriching uranium in nuclear energy facilities.
And what about footprints? Many people mix up the footprint with spacing. The spacing between wind turbines can be used for multiple purposes such as agriculture or rangeland. Not to consider that many of that are in the middle of the ocean that is not even land. Dr Jacobson show how to power the entire US vehicle fleet, 3 square kilometers are enough. And nuclear? What is occupied by a nuclear plant cannot be used else way, not to consider that you have to have a 17 square miles buffer zone and the uranium mine to care about.
The most relevant critic is that renewables cannot provide a stable and constant supply of electricity. That is true. But fortunately science have improved more than one form of renewable energy. And the answer to a constant supply rely here, mixing together those form of energy. You can combine solar, wind and hydro to keep a constant supply so that any time, in any weather condition there is at least one source of energy working.
I will conclude this post quoting Dr. Jacobson: “we can guarantee a clean, blue sky [with renewable] or an uncertain future with nuclear power”. 

martedì 6 novembre 2012

The Green Blob: The Nuclear Issue

Stamate Cristina    17 novembre 2012

China’s future development of nuclear energy”
China has a good system or the nuclear power industry and is developing the production of nuclear energy in accordance with the ” Medium and Long term nuclear power development plan 2005-2020” approved by the State Council. The plan give specific recommendation and development programs for the future of energy nuclear in China.

The topics of the plan are:
1 Does China need to develop nuclear power?
2 Is China capable of enhancing the development of nuclear power?
3 What are the main development areas of China's nuclear power?

1. Nuclear power is an economic, clean and efficient energy. Nuclear power stations contribute to slow down global warming and produce less pollution than coal-powered reactors. Development of nuclear energy can provide a stable supply of electricity and reduce problems on logistics and environment due to the production and transportation of coal
2.Yes she is capable to develop the nuclear energy, because the resources of uranium in China are rich. Furthermore about half of the land in China has not been prospected for uranium yet. China began to develop nuclear power since the 70s and the first nuclear power plant began operation in the early 90s. Until now, china has 6 nuclear power plants with 11 reactors. They maintain a power capacity of more the 9 million kilowatts.
In addition, China had a considerable experience in exploring nuclear technology and establishing safety regulation and emergency response system.
3. As I have already written China current nuclear power capacity is 9 million kilowatts but this represent only 2% of the country power generation capacity. According to the Medium and Long Term Nuclear Power Development Plan (2005-2020) China will build more nuclear plants in 13 priority areas, both inland and coastal.
The aim is to reach a total nuclear power capacity of 40 million killowatts by 2020 that is the 6% of the country’s total power generation capacity. In addiction will be introduced a new pressurized water type of reactor that will have multiple safety protection system,such as four safety barrier and will provide a very high level of safety for nuclear plants.
During the course of nuclear power construction, China will also construct radioactive waste disposal sites in parallel to handle the wastes resulted from the development of nuclear power. By 2020, an underground repository for storing high-level radioactive wastes will also be built.
In the long run China will continue the development of nuclear energy focusing on thermal nuclear reactors, but at the same time expediting the study of fast neutron reactor and nuclear fusion reactor.
    In my opinion, even if China masters the design and manufacturing technology and is trying to carry out a sustainable development but the risk of nuclear disaster and of environment contamination is still present. By the way, even if I don’t be pleased about the idea of nuclear energy I appreciate that China is putting a lot of effort in their projects trying to develop a new way to produce energy without damaging the environment.

domenica 28 ottobre 2012

In the last three hundred years the global air pollution has increased from 290ppm of the first industrial revolution to almost 400 ppm of our days.
A continues use of non renewable resources,climatic change,unsustainable damages to the environment ,the new rising powers and a persisting of an old development model based on industrial and capitalistic expansion.
We feel motivated to open a window in order understand today world's problems to find out global solutions for tomorrow, is necessary to think in a more eco sustainable way. Considering the wideness of the subject we are going to focus on:

  • Biofuels : MicheleTaufer
  • The Nuclear Issue : Cristina Stamate
  • Climate Change : Isabella Javurra
  • Transport and ecology : Andrea Scapin
  • Smart Cities : Stefano Pasqualetto
Let's talk about it.
