Climate Change


In this blog my objective is to analyze climate changes, its causes and consequences, but before I would like to highlight the lack of commitment by governments and international organizations that are not working enough.
Climate change are sudden changes due to heating of the planet’s atmosphere; this phenomenon leads to the melting of polar ice and other consequences that are disastrous for detecting ecosystem like for examples floods and extinction of animal species.
Scientific studies are showing that climate change is accelerating faster than expected and it’ s more necessary for us to do something because unfortunately our governments think about  their interests for first.
In 2009, in the city of Copenhagen, there was the 15° Conference of the United Nations about climate changes which was attended by representatives of many states like Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Gordon Brown, Wen Jibao and many others: the objective was to take actions to stop global warming and extend the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol to the 2020 or 2050.  The Copenhagen Conference ended with a minimum commitment by governments and also there wasn’t any real obligation to cut CO2 emissions. Many ONG has told about this Conference like victory of words, not of facts.
In 2011 the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) realized another Conference of United Nations in the city of Durban. Here there’s been a turning point because nations get important decisions that could bring to concrete negotiations about climate change, for example it was created the “Green Fund” with the objective to mobilize $ 100 billion. The Conference of Durban is been more concrete because it has given more importance to the points of Kyoto Protocol, but also here the decisions of the governments seems like only words.
This year, in June, there’s been the last Conference of United Nations about climate change, in the city of Rio De Janeiro: it’s been a big disappointment because it’ s a document that contains few concrete things and many promises of commitment but there aren’t  rules or obligations to find a solution and to build a better world. The Greenpeace’s president has considered this Conference as a total failure.
With this hint to some Conferences of United Nations about climate change, it’ s not my intention to denigrate the job of international organizations but we can’t loose other  time to talk, it’s necessary to act. The governments of all the world have to understand that the solution of disastrous consequences of climate change can’t wait and must be the priority. 

Isabella Juvarra


The words “climate change” indicate changes in the global  climate of the earth: temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, ocean temperatures, distribution and development of plants and animals.
Climate change is due to natural causes but for the last 150 years the scientific community considers them to be mainly due to the action of man in the form of alteration of the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse effect is synonymous of global warming and it’ s caused by anthropogenic pollution.
The largest producers of pollutants are especially large factories, followed by emissions from road transport (buses, cars, motorcycles, agricultural vehicles and equipment for construction work).
In this way there is the formation of lethal gases.
Lethal gases such as carbon monoxide and benzene are responsible of smog over cities.
Other gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect: methane and carbon dioxide (co2) which is considered the main culprit.
Also the methane is dangerous because it is produced by the boilers and burnt is emitted in atmosphere in the form of carbon monoxide.
Carbon dioxide is not harmful in the right quantities because it promotes photosynthesis but, in excessive quantities, it leads to serious consequences.
All this concentration of gases in atmosphere acts like a “greenhouse”: sunlight can reach on the earth but when they turn into infrared, they are unable to return to the atmosphere so they’re trapped on earth causing the temperature increase.
Air pollution is one of the great problems of our century: the good thing is that we can stop it, but we can not go back.

Isabella Juvarra

In these last days the weather has devastated the North and central Italy: heavy rain, storms, floods and flooding. But all the violence of these disturbances has a reason: climate change. Just as the hurricane Sandy, also disturbances that have affected Liguria, Toscana, Umbria, Veneto and Lazio owe their violence to the global rise in temperatures. Surely the weather in these areas has caused many floods due to disruption hydrological of Italy, to the lack of knowledge and management of the territory, but it is certain that this type of atmospheric phenomena are more frequent because of climate change. Greenpeace says that extreme weather events such as those of these days will become more frequent and violent if we do not do something as soon as possible. The statistics are very clear: in 1980 were recorded 400 events all over the world, while 30 years later after (today) they were recorded almost 1000, so because of climate change, violence rainfall, flooding and landslides have nearly tripled. The latest report of the European Environment affirmed his message to governments: the majority of European citizens living in the city and it’s necessary to gear up to tackle climate change. These phenomena are likely to increase so governments must start investing adaptation measures because the longer we wait, more expensive it will be to adapt and threats to citizens and the economy will increase. What remains today are the images we see on television: many people have uninhabitable homes, the continuous rains that overflows rivers have destroyed everything. I think that as long as these misfortunes captain in other places and to other people, it’s very easy to push the issue because we always think that these things don’t happen to us, instead we urgently have to think that these weather events due to climate change can happen anywhere and to anyone. I trust a lot in the good sense of people and as always I consider governments accountable and guilty because they continue to think quietly to their interests. When our planet will be destroyed and it will be too late to do something, their money will not be able to buy a new one.
Isabella Juvarra


Today I would like to explain some of the consequences that are already in place if we don't solve the problem of climate change because this would cost in lives and money.
Global warming affects on economy with a bill of 400,000 dead and 1,200 billion dollars in damage each year. This warning comes from the Report Climate Vulnerability Monitor, prepared by ONG Dara and commissioned by the Climate Vulnerable Forum, which brings together 20 countries threatened by global warming and that prefigures worst-case scenarios for the near future. 
In fact, in the near future, the victims of the oil companies could reach 100 million.
The study on climate change held for more than 50 scientists, has estimated that in the world today 400,000 people die from causes related to global warming.
Climate change in developing countries, affecting especially for damages to agriculture and this results in a greater number of deaths from malnutrition and diseases related to lack of food.
There are new and alarming studies because in 2060 the Earth's temperature will rise by 4 degrees and this will be a tragedy for the poor countries and other consequences will be:
 -decrease in food supplies
 -rising sea level, which means flooding of coastal cities
 -increasing risks to food production
 -heat waves
 -increased tropical cyclones
 -water scarcity
 -irreversible loss of biodiversity including systems of coral reefs.
The situation is obviously very serious and 2060 is not that far.

Isabella Juvarra


This week I’ve decided to tackle a subject that I consider fundamental and probably influence climate change: chemtrails.
The wakes of aircraft are contrails and this is a natural phenomenon because the hot gases ( a mixture of water vapour and gases) that come out from aircraft engines, are in contact with the cold air of the atmosphere and trigger the process of condensation: the water vapour is transformed into small ice crystals subject to evaporation. In nature contrails dissolve in about 30-50 seconds and therefore can not be long. Seeing a white trail in the sky, we might immediately think that it is a normal contrail that marks the passage of an airliner, but looking good encounter any problems. Contrails we see today are very different from 20 years ago when dissolved immediately, but today the trails are wide and very frequently persist for hours and expand forming a white state.
These trails were spotted outside the routes of airliners, a straight improbable for airliners and in air spaces that are not allowed to civilian traffic and sales.
Since 1996 have appeared these strange streaks and are present in all countries of the world.
Scientists, researchers and citizens made chemical analysis of soil, dust and water areas underlying airspace sprayed with contrails. These analyzes ensure the presence and a high concentration of chemicals such as: salts of barium, aluminum oxide, calcium, potassium, magnesium, quartz but also titanium, bromide and bacteria that normally found in the higher layers of atmosphere and incorporated by these aerosol chemicals are transported to shore with serious consequences for our health. The most common symptoms are: respiratory diseases, muscle inflammation, contamination by unknown bacteria, headaches, depression, dramatic increase of cancer and leukaemia, but also environmental pollution. But what types of aircraft expand these dangerous substances in the air?
Several witnesses said they saw chemtrails sprayed from white airplanes without livery identification, aircraft similar to this:  

Planes observed were identified as military tankers, which are airplanes identical to airliners but within them there are no seats but tanks that are used to refuel in flight fuel for aircraft such as military fighters or bombers. There are no official answers about the presence of these aircraft.
Finally the questions are: what is the purpose of chemtrails? Why governments and institutions are silent? Are there agreements military or other?
Officially chemtrails do not exist because no one has ever admitter their existence, but it’s our right to know what is happening.
Scientists and researchers have theorized some assumptions:
climate control, military implications of H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), involvement of multinationals.

 Chemtrails in the sky after the passage of some 
 airplanes photographed near Trento 2 weeks ago. 

 Example of clouds formation probably due to climate
experiments photographed near Padova 2 months ago.

Isabella Juvarra

2 commenti:

  1. I agree with you, I think that governments must do much more to protect the heart and if they don’t do this is just because of economic interests. As everybody knows economic issues are always at the first place, in the entire world. Western countries that started to implement the Kyoto protocol strongly criticize the new world economies because they are polluting the environment in a strong way without thinking that a big part of the multinational companies working in China, India and in many countries of Africa came from the western world. I think that we forgot the broken gusher polluting the ocean in the American coast or the effects of the “green revolution” in India. In my opinion economic interests rule the world so we have to start changing things for first because we are part of those states that make promises not keeping them!!We have to start changing our way of leaving. When we speak about climate change we have to consider also the way to use the land. Today almost everybody use weed killers, chemical plant foods and pesticides that irreparably damage the land and our health. These entire staffs contaminate the air annexing its action with that of other toxic gases. Are we not behaving us as the governments? How can we pretend that things have to change if we are not changing ourselves for first?

  2. The power of money and economy is blocking any possible way to solve the problem of climate changing. The situation is getting heavier day by day. We all can see that the climate and the world itself is hopelessly changing. Hurricanes, floods and drought are killing thousands of people every year all over the world. The big countries are not doing what the should do to stop all this. It seems that they can't understand what it is really going on. Maybe they do not want to understand, because they are interested in getting everyday richer and richer. Even the United Nations are unable to activate a strong and effective way to solve the issue of climate change.
    In my opinion there are two way to at least try to fix the problem. Firstly, it is necessary for NGOs to gain an active role into the UN. With the help of these organizations all countries can find a common and binding agreement to make the world a better and safest place for everyone. In practice, they should start to think about the next generations and they definitely should start to cooperate each other.
    Secondly, the other way I was referring to is related to the individual sphere of everyone. I think that if we really want to make the difference and try to change the situation, we should start doing something in our everyday life. We should stop wasting things and becoming more kind and respectful for our planet. I think that we should make our life "greener", because the change can start from us only.
