In the last three hundred
years the global air pollution has increased from 290ppm of the first
industrial revolution to almost 400 ppm of our days.
A continues use of non
renewable resources,climatic change,unsustainable damages to the
environment ,the new rising powers and a persisting of an old
development model based on industrial and capitalistic expansion.
We feel motivated to open
a window in order understand today world's problems to find out
global solutions for tomorrow, is necessary to think in a more eco
sustainable way. Considering the wideness of the subject we are going
to focus on:
- Biofuels : MicheleTaufer
- The Nuclear Issue : Cristina Stamate
- Climate Change : Isabella Javurra
- Transport and ecology : Andrea Scapin
- Smart Cities : Stefano Pasqualetto
Let's talk about it.
Looking at the various blogs I was impressed by"The Green Blob", its home page is visually interesting and the link between innovation and environment is clear. Scrolling the page, you can find different thematic areas that frame blog's subject and purpose. the reports in these sections talk about the need to use alternative natural fuels for preventing sudden and alarming climate changes (global warming). This blog supports also the use of non-polluting transport. I think it's important to open a debate about renewable energies and try to increase their use as soon possible. these energies could become our primary resource and help us to prevent further environmental disasters caused by pollution and the resulting global warming. In this website you can also find links related to the topic to be updated on this debate.
RispondiEliminaGianmarco Del Giudice
I saw yesterday a documentary related to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. One of the main reasons is the deforestation that means the conversion of forest areas in deforested areas, and is very active in the Amazon basin. More than a fifth of the forest has already been destroyed and the entire ecosystem is in danger. This work of destruction started since the forties of the twentieth century, when the region's governments have decided to exploit the forest and its mineral resources. Deforestation in fact allows the sale and export of timber, which can be very valuable, the increase of land for agriculture because of population growth, and exploitation of mineral deposits. Over the years numerous highways were built to connect major cities and were encouraged the construction of new villages along them worsening the problem. Deforestation generates a lots of problem potentially catastrophic. Environmentalists denounce a huge loss of biodiversity, increased to result from the destruction of forests and the unsustainable exploitation of its resources. Moreover, the Amazon is a huge "lung" terrestrial, that thanks to the high density of the vegetation and to its equatorial position that allows a large radiation of the Sun, consumes high amounts of carbon dioxide, generating oxygen. The removal of forest lessens this effect and this has important implications in the greenhouse effect, and is one of the main parameters on which we build the models for global warming.
RispondiEliminaAnna D’Amico.
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
RispondiEliminaI attach 2 pictures that speak for themselves :
In terms of air quality, yes ... the situation is quite serious. But how to explain that although we try all kinds of ways to mitigate the effects of pollution through the implementation of directives addressed to all countries,the pollution is increasing? My guess is that, in terms of global eradication of pollution, cooperation is very low. Why when there was drafted Kyoto's Protocol, the most important economic countries have not ratified? (those were China and U.S. which are the biggest polluters). Not to mention the fact that these directives are made incorrectly because they allow states to cheat: each state is entitled to a certain amount of polluting factors. In the case of small countries, most of the times, these values are never attained, so they have the right to sell certificates to those countries that exceed established limits.