Transport and ecology


Electric scooters in the traffic of amsterdam

It made its debut in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, for the first time in the whole of Europe; the taxi-scooter Hopper. Is a project of Ruben Beugels, dutch entrepreneur who joined in the enterprise also the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and local municipalities.
The objective is to provide an economical, but also environmentally sustainable alternative to the traditional taxis and public transport, often slow or too expensive to be really competitive. The project, called "Hopper Project", provides for the inclusion in the public transport system of 100 scooters with function of taxi, that challenge the traffic peak hours. Times in which operate these alternative means are from 8 am to 20 pm, at least for the first period.
The characteristics that make this taxi-scooter very competitive, is the fact that scooters are powered by electricity. The cost is sustainable: 2 euro and a half each way, a truly revolutionary price that is permitted from renting scooters and advertising on each of them, using a tablet placed in the space above the plate.
Booking is quick and easy: has been created a specific app for this service, which allows you to locate the taxi-scooter on city maps of TomTom which, along with its smartphones are equipped with all means. The customers must simply check the availability and location of taxi and reserve one of them through the web (or by telephone).
The project and its developers are enthusiastic: after Amsterdam, is expected an expanding to other three major Dutch cities such as Rotterdam, Aia and Utrecht. Also in Europe, however, we speak of a settlement also in Berlin and London, while in Italy there is already a similar service, active in Rome.
The entrepreneur has defined their own business a bet came from his own personal needs. The idea of this original service of sustainable mobility derives from a mishap on a tram stuck in traffic: "I was really annoyed because i was late for an appointment and it was at that moment that I thought that with a scooter in that moment i solved the problem. "

Andrea Scapin

The intelligent mobility

This week I would like to mention the most greener and ecological solutions for transport in the city: certainly the bicycle or walk: these, however, are not always feasible, for climatic reasons or excessive distance.
-Public transport: First of all, try to use the greatest possible public transport, surface and groundwater. In addition to convenience, the most outstanding benefit is economic: the cost of the ticket is quite low, especially if it's compared to the situation in other European countries.
-Car sharing: Car Sharing, which is widespread in recent years, consists in the use of a car park available for a temporary rental. This system is particularly advantageous if occasionally uses the car, because it allows you to have a car in moments of need, without incurring the costs associated with owning a car.
-Car pooling: In this case, the movements on a private vehicle are operated by crews that share the same vehicle for the same path. In this way it contributes to the reduction of circulating cars (and therefore traffic and pollution). Car Pooling can be promoted by companies, or it can be arranged between people who live in the same area.
-Bike sharing: The bike sharing is an alternative means of transport, which doesn't create pollution and which hasn't parking problems. It is an innovative system of free bikes rental that allows you to move from one place to another with the bike, so easy and promoting integration with different means of transport. Most of the movements in the city, in fact, occurs in a radius of a few miles. The bicycle is the most convenient in terms of speed of movement, environmental impact, overall energy expenditure.
-The car? yes, but with low environmental impact
If you have to buy a new car, choose a hybrid, electric or methane model, that will help to reduce the levels of air pollution.

Andrea Scapin

                                           car sharing                                                                 bike sharing



This week I would like to mention a very interesting novelty.
We all know that the bicycle is the most environmentally friendly means of transport, but sometimes the distances or slopes discourage willingness of cyclists to pedal. However, for the one that wants the bicycle but doesn't want or cannot pedal, the bicycle with pedaled assisted it is for a long time already a reality, even if still not very diffused: it is a bicycle "strengthened" with an auxiliary electric motor that helps the cyclist in the longest journeys or in the slopes. The news is that some laboratories have realized prototypes of bicycles where this motor is fed with a fuel that doesn't pollute: the hydrogen, that respect the environment because active a system that doesn't have emissions. Hydrogen is a clean energy source, it doesn't generate carbon dioxide and even fine dust, but only water vapor, it is also economical, because it is available in nature, and can be used safely: in fact stored in the solid state and combining with the air actuates the fuel cell that provides the motor with the energy needed. The advantages? With a "full" which costs only 18 euro can run for 150 km at a cost of 12 cents per kilometer, compared to the current electric bikes has therefore more autonomy, and charging times much more content: only 15 minutes, compared to six-eight hours of a conventional battery. According to the designers, the problem of supply could however be overcome by installing distributors that can extract hydrogen from water using solar energy; fuel costs are therefore kept low and the process would be environmentally friendly. The spread of the bicycle hydrogen could open the (good) way to "clean" technologies to cars, in perspective of sustainable mobility that respects people and the environment.

Andrea Scapin

In this blog, my intention is to be able to understand the problems and the environmental impacts from transport and public transport in general. I'll try to find information and solutions that come from all over the world to try to solve this problem as much as possible and improve the world's pollution, offering ecological and sustainable solutions that can have a good environmental impact.
This time I will bring a very interesting news regarding a transport widely used in medium and large cities: the bicycle.
The future of bicycles in Rome is in two phases: the first from 2011 to 2013, the second from 2013 to 2020. This is the plan announced and finally presented by the Mayor Gianni Alemanno with the commissioners Environment Fabio De Lillo and Mobility Sergio Marchi. A total investment of € 43 million with the goal within ten years to reach 986 km of cycle paths.
To 110 km of cycle paths and 116 km in the green, the plan has already funded 65 more that will add 224 km of main corridors, 594 km of local networks and 128 km of green corridors. In the first phase, the plan is to double the protected kms in the corridors (from 100 to 200) and the increase of bike sharing in addition to bicycle parking. The intention is to get to 45 bike sharing stations in the first phase. The bicycle parking will increase: 1,060 in exchange nodes and 2,700 deployed in 135 schools. An ambitious project that has a goal even more complex: connect already existing routes through the Park of the Aqueducts. A measure sought for years loudly by users of the Capitoline two wheels, which have been relayed some associations during the presentation of this project.
Cyclists complain not only a dangerous road for who use the bicycle, but also the lack of appropriate measures for the control of pollution levels, a real threat to urban cyclists. Indicative slogan on one of the banners : "are 364 days that we are waiting... : welcome to Europe."

                                                                           cycle paths 

Andrea Scapin

5 commenti:

  1. 05/11/2012

    Transport and ecology

    In this blog my intention is to analyze the problems relating to the impact of pollution on the environment and to find information and solutions to improve this problem.
    Transport is one of the biggest contributors to climate change and poor air quality, yet it is also a vital part of our modern society and economy. Adopting sustainable transport technologies and behaviours allows us to balance our need for mobility with more sustainable lifestyles.
    Sustainable transport (or green transport) refers to any means of transport with low impact on the environment, and includes non-motorised transport, walking and cycling, transit oriented development, green vehicles, carsharing, and building or protecting urban transport systems that are fuel-efficienty, space-saving and promote healthy lifestyles.
    Sustainable transport systems make a positive contribution to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the communities they serve. Transport systems exist to provide social and economic connections, and people quickly take up the opportunities offered by increased mobility. The advantages of increased mobility need to be weighed against the environmental, social and economic costs that transport systems pose.

    Andrea Scapin

  2. Being a cycle activist I like your blog about the project in Rome: A couple of language notes on the last few sentences in CAPITAL LETTERS: A measure LONG sought for (years loudly) by the Capitoline'S users of two wheels, whO have RALLIED WITH (relayed) some associations during the presentation of this project.
    Cyclists complain not only aBOUT dangerous roadS for PEOPLE who use (the) bicycleS, but also the lack of appropriate measures for the control of pollution levels, a real threat to urban cyclists. AN Indicative slogan on one of the banners IS : "WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 364 days (that we are waiting)... : welcome to Europe."

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  4. The reduction of pollutant transport is an appropriate way that the community and also also individuals have chosen to improve their life (cost reduction, reduction of risks involved in traveling, decreased stress of driving in traffic).
    Private car should be only the last option available to those who want to practice sustainable mobility. First come walking and cycling, public transport and other possibilities that transcend the possession of a car just as the car-sharing or car-pooling.
    The vehicles which are essential in our daily lives to the development of almost of all our activities are related to the problem of air pollution, especially the road vehicles. The gases present in the emissions of these vehicles are in fact responsible for damage to the respiratory system and for the greenhouse effect.
    Air pollution is a serious problem that needs strong measures in order to be drastically reduced.

  5. The scooter’s project is very interesting and can support other initiatives for sustainable mobility of which you have talked in previous posts.
    This scooter can respect the environment,arrive at the destination quickly and, not least, it is not very expensive.
    Sustainable transport systems can give a good contribution to the respect of environment but the most important thing is to instill this culture in our minds!!
