lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

The Last Kind Words


What are the kind words to conclude our walk throughout new ideas for a sustainable world? Let’s start from the beginning, about two month ago we analyzed the actual world situation paying attention to our planet’s problems like global warming generated by a constant and relevant increase of green house gases emission, we saw immediately that our model of development, based on a extremism kind of consumerism, a non controlled use of earth resources and on quantitative growing due to qualitative one was no longer an answer for future demands. So what are the kind words for the future? If we considerer our life styles Andrea and Stefano have tried to find these words: an increase of bikeways inside our cities, new ways to face transport problems, both public and private, like car sharing or car pulling. But also, why we keep on expanding our cities like an ink stain that inexorable overwhelms the natural environment generating unexpected climate changes, floods earthquakes and other natural disasters as Isabella has told us in her section of the blog! The two Kind words should be improve and reuse the existence spaces rather than destroying new ones. But every change needs energy as well as ideas! Cristina and Michele have discussed this topics. Many people think that nuclear power could be considered a kind word, but at that moment this technology carries on within too many risks. Maybe we could restart from our waste through our technology development we have learn how to convert them into bio fuel, in a way to address our future in to a real sustainable way. We hope that this little contribution may have make awake as many people as possible to this topics. We think that this work has been interesting and stimulant for has as well for our colleagues. Special thanks for every one have followed us during these two months of activity!

Michele Taufer
Isabella Juvarra
Andrea Scapin
Cristina Stamate
Stefano Pasqualetto

1 commento:

  1. What a great last comment with your reflections, very kind words indeed. I'm glad that you have found this work interesting and I'm sure that you have raised awareness about a very important issue to your classmates, I've certainly learnt some new things myself! Thank you.
